RYA Level 1 Powerboat Handling

AIM: A practical introduction to the safe handling of a boat

Areas covered:

This course is designed to teach young people the skills required to operate a powered boat in inland waters. Some of the nautical topics covered are:

Safe boat driving

Mooring to pontoons and Bouys

Rules of the Harbour

Understanding of navigation marks

Safety procedures


Weather and tides

This course will start them off with a good grounding and understanding of boating for the future.

On successful completion of this course we will award the RYA Level 1 Certificate.


RYA Level 1 Powerboat Handling:


Using a school boat: £220.00 per person – maximum 3 people – minimum booking 2 people

Own Boat: £285.00 for up to 3 people

RYA Level 2 Powerboat Handling

AIM: To teach and operate a powerboat safely
DURATION: 2 days

No Previous boating experience is required to take the course. It is suited to people who are new to boating or for those who have been boating for a number of years and need a qualification.

Areas covered:

The level 2 course is our most popular and over the 2 days gives a good balance of both practical and theory instruction.

We will teach you to operate safely within the harbour and give instruction on all aspects of mooring to pontoons and bouys, rules and buoyage, basic navigation and many more of the nautical skills needed. Time is spent out to sea in open water and the safe practise of boating at higher speed given the dangers of weather and waves. Emergency situations and man overboard will also be covered.

On successful completion we award you the RYA Level 2 Powerboat Certificate which then enables you to apply to the RYA for your International Certificate of Competence- ICC


RYA Level 2 Powerboat Handling:


Using School boat: £330.00 per person – maximum 3 people

Own Boat: £570.00 for up to 3 people

The Salcombe Course

AIM: To refresh and progress your skills having completed RYA Level 2

Our popular refresher days are designed to get you back into boating after a time off the water or have an annual look at your boat handling skills.

The day is designed for your needs so let us know what you require, we can cover Navigation, GPS, Radio, coastal passage and emergency situations or just to refresh your basis boat skills.

If you have just bought a boat or recently changed your boat let us help you get the best out of it.



The Salcombe Course:


Using a school boat: £220.00 per person – maximum 3 people – minimum booking 2 people

Oen boat: £285.00 for up to 3 people

RYA Intermediate Powerboating

AIM: To teach powerboating up to the standard required to complete a short coastal passage by day.
DURATION: 2 days


Knowledge of Navigation, true and magnetic bearings, bearings and distance, chart symbols, tidal diamonds and tidal streams, use of pilot books, positions lines, use of marina locks (can be covered practically if appropriate).

An understanding of longitude and latitude, the principles of GPS, sources of forecast information and the interpretation of forecasts.


Use a plotting instrument and plot a course to steer (CTS).

Work out tidal heights for standard ports using a tidal curve.

Interpret buoyage.

Interpret specific IRPCS.

Use GPS waypoint navigation.

Be able to use a laminated chart afloat.

Use pilotage to enter an unfamiliar port by day.

Explain how to make a VHF emergency call.


The aim of the practical session is to put into practice the theory detailed above and to complete a passage.

To understand the importance of:

Boat Preparation

Boat Handling

Practical Pilotage

Passage Planning

Man overboard in more demanding conditions

On successful completion of the course we award the RYA Powerboat Intermediate Certificate.  


RYA Intermediate Powerboating:


Using School Boat - £380.00 per person – maximum 3 people

Own boat - £285.00 for up to 3 people

RYA Advanced Powerboating

AIM: To teach boat handling, seamanship, pilotage and navigation up to the standards required to drive a planing powerboat safely by day and night in tidal, coastal waters.
DURATION: 2 days and part of 1 night

Assumed knowledge:

Candidates should be competent to the standard of National Powerboat Certificate Level 2 (coastal) with knowledge of navigation and chartwork to the level of the Day Skipper Shorebased Certificate. It is strongly recommended that candidates hold a First Aid Certificate and a VHF Operators Licence.

Areas covered:

Section A - Practical

Preparation for sea.

Preparation of powerboat, fuel and engine checks, stowing and securing gear.

Boat handling.

Characteristics of various hull forms and propeller configuration, knowledge of action to be taken in rough weather, understanding correct use of power trims and trim tabs, effects of tide/wind when manoeuvring including steering to transits, turning in tight confined spaces, berthing, picking up moorings etc.

Passage making.

Plans and pilotage for entry into or departure from harbour, use of leading and clearing lines, transits and sounding as an aid to pilotage, high speed navigation and GPS waypoint navigation.

Night cruising.

Powerboating at night, including entering and leaving harbour, special considerations for keeping a lookout and identifying marks by night.

Section B - Shorebased


Sources of forecast information, interpretation of forecasts, terms used in shipping forecasts, including Beaufort Scale and their significance to small craft.

Rules of the road.


Use of engines.

Checks before and during running, how to bleed fuel system and change filters, transmission belts, changing propeller or sheer pin, emergency start cord.

Emergency situations.

Correct action to be taken in case of: fire, hull damage, medical emergency, VHF emergency, helicopter rescue, use of flares, man overboard and sector search.


RYA Advanced Powerboating:


Using Our School Boat £350 per person.

Using Your Own Boat 

£285 per day or 3570 for both days, up to 3 people.

Ribs 4 kids

AIM: A Unique Junior Training program specific to driving inflatable tenders in Salcombe Harbour

Areas covered:

  1. Safety Equipment
    1. Buoyancy Aid
    2. Suitable Clothing
    3. Kill Cord
    4. Bailer
    5. Paddles
    6. Harbour Layout guide
  2. Boat Care
    1. Preparation
      1. Fuel
      2. Engine
      3. Start/stop engine
      4. Gears
      5. Correct  tube inflation
  3. Local knowledge
    1. Weather conditions
    2. Tides
    3. Landmarks
    4. Navigation Marks
    5. Speed Limit Areas
    6. Where to leave your boat
  4. Basic Boat Handling
    1. Familiarisation
    2. Secure to a Buoy
    3. Come alongside a pontoon
  5. Rules of The Harbour
    1. Knowledge of collision regulations
  6. Beach Landings
    1. Planning
    2. Which Beach
    3. Hazards
    4. Method of approach
    5. Crew communication
    6. Mooring/Anchoring
  7. Anchoring
    1. Preparation
    2. Attachment to boat
    3. Don’t forget tide
  8. Knots
    1. Round turn and two half hitches
    2. Bowline
  9. Emergency Situations
    1. Engine failure
    2. Going aground (running out of water)


Ribs 4 Kids:


Using Our School Boat £210 per person.

Using Your Own Boat £285 per day, up to 3 people.


Note: Both School boat and Own boat require a minimum of 2 candidates.